How to Shut Down Racist Trump Supporters

Donald J. TrumpIn modern America, there are still hundreds of misguided racists skulking around in the shadows coming into the light when they feel justified. Recently, some racists have used President Trump's perceived racism to justify their own irrational hatred toward minorities, but shutting down their hatred is as easy as removing that justification.

Racists, by their very nature, are irrational fools and lack the capacity to form rational conclusions. This article provides the facts used to form a more informed conclusion, but hateful, irrational bigots will stop reading as soon as their preconceived notions are challenged.

Trump never said that white supremacists are very fine people.

Many irresponsible news outlets deliberately took President Trump's comment regarding the people who opposed the removal of a Confederate statue out of context and irrational fools pounced on this negative media coverage as confirmation that President Trump is a racist and to legitimize their own irrational hatred. When the actual transcript is read and the quote is in context, President Trump is clearly saying that neo-Nazis are very bad people and should be condemned totally and that the very fine people on both sides are the people who were peacefully protesting.

Trump: I think there is blame on both sides. You look at both sides. I think there is blame object both on both sides. I have no doubt about it. You don't have doubt about it either. If you reported it accurately, you would say that the neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville. Excuse me. They didn't put themselves down as neo-Nazis. You had some very bad people in that group. You also had some very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group -- excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.

George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down -- excuse me. Are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him. Good. Are we going to take down his statue. He was a major slave owner. Are we going to take down his statue? It is fine. You are changing history and culture.

You had people and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. The press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people but you also had troublemakers and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group too.

Irrational fools may still manage to convince themselves that Trump was referring to Nazis as "very fine people", but he was referring to the peaceful protesters on both sides. He made it clear that he considers neo-Nazis to be very bad people and that a desire to preserve national history is not to be conflated with white supremacy.

Trump does not hate latinos.

On May 5th, 2016, mindless idiots saw Trump eating a taco bowl while explaining that he loves Hispanics and irrationally concluded that he hates Hispanics. With nothing less than complete delusion can anybody conclude that eating Mexican food on Cindo de Mayo is an indication of racism, but irrational fools still point to this tweet as proof that President Trump is a racist and use it to lend credence to their own poorly-formed conclusions.

Trump does not think Mexicans are incapable of being judges.

In 2016, U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel was presiding over a civil case regarding Trump University and, when Trump complained about bias, the media unfairly accused him of complaining about the judge's race and not the bias. Trump never claimed that Mexicans are incapable of being judges or any other job, but instead complained that the one particular judge had a conflict of interest.

In this video, it is plain to see that Jake Tapper is desperately trying to twist Trump's words to make it seem like the Mexican heritage of the judge is the cause of Trump's complaint, but Trump repeatedly explains that the problem is unfair rulings caused by a conflict of interest and not the race of the judge. Irrational fools, desperate for any way to justify their irrational hatred, see this and trick themselves into believing--just like in the case of the taco bowl on Cindo de Mayo--that Trump hates Mexicans.

Notice how the title of the video is "Sorry Brown People, Donald Trump Doesn't Believe You're Real Americans" when Trump never said anything like that. The video could just have easily been titled, "Trump complains about judge's conflict of interest", but CNN is more interested in increasing viewership than telling the truth, so irrational fools received more confirmation that justifies their own irrational hatred.

Enforcing immigration laws has nothing to do with race.

One of the irrational claims made by those so eager to find racism in President Trump is that all illegal immigrants are non-whites and that Democrats cannot be racist because they want open borders. This claim relies on the false equivalency between "immigrant" and "non-white".

People of all colors, nationalities and creeds immigrate to the United States, but irrational hate mongers that are so desperate to find racism in Trump trick themselves into believing that only black or brown people would attempt to immigrate to the Unites States illegally. Ironically, none of these hateful, irrational fools ever accused President Bill Clinton or President Barrack Obama of racism for proudly enforcing the exact same laws.

President Trump openly condemns racism.

Many liberal media outlets have falsely reported that Trump never condemns racism, but the truth is that Trump has always condemned racism, bigotry and hatred. Under mounting pressure from the media that referring to neo-Nazis as "very bad people" was not enough, Trump told the press how he really feels about racism.

Hate relies on a complete lack of reason and ignorance.

Because hate relies on a complete lack of reason, bigots will see this and still trick themselves into believing that Trump considers white supremacists to be "very fine people". Trump has demonstrated throughout his entire life that Americans are worthy of equality and that irrational hate has no place in America.

For mindless, self-serving monsters, a complete absence of evidence can never be evidence of absence when it comes to their insatiable need to hate. Completely missing is the need to judge him by his actions, but instead a need to judge him by the words of a manipulative media that has been under ever-increasing fire as "fake news".

Inevitably, there will be some mindless idiots who cannot help but believe that Donald Trump is a racist. If they cannot listen to reason or change their poorly-formed conclusion in the face of such evidence then the best solution is to distance yourself from these hateful people.

Trump with Rosa Parks