
How to Shut Down Racist Trump Supporters

Donald J. TrumpIn modern America, there are still hundreds of misguided racists skulking around in the shadows coming into the light when they feel justified. Recently, some racists have used President Trump's perceived racism to justify their own irrational hatred toward minorities, but shutting down their hatred is as easy as removing that justification.

Racists, by their very nature, are irrational fools and lack the capacity to form rational conclusions. This article provides the facts used to form a more informed conclusion, but hateful, irrational bigots will stop reading as soon as their preconceived notions are challenged.

Why gun owners are not persuaded by mass shootings

Kid shopping for rifle.In the wake of a mass shooting, sentiments vary, but often sound something like, "Surely now they will believe what we've been saying all along." The irony is that this sentiment comes from both liberal, anti-gun folks on the left and conservative, pro-gun folks on the right.

The appearance of this conviction paralleled in groups of Americans with wildly opposed views seems ironic until we realize that mass shootings are convincing both sides that they are right. Both sides of the argument have beliefs that are reinforced every time a mass shooting occurs.

Gun Control: Misconception versus History, Science and Math

Christopher Sean Harper-Mercer Last week, Christopher Sean Harper-Mercer murdered eight of his classmates. This tragic mass school shooting, coming right on the heels of the last one only three years ago, carries special weight because the murderer took his own life and deprived the American people of a sense of justice.

When the murderer in these cases cannot be made to face justice, the natural scapegoat is guns. Cries for "enhanced background checks", "common sense gun control" or "ban guns like Australia" fill the airwaves and social media sites, but these wouldn't have prevented the Sandy Hook tragedy or the recent tragedy in Oregon.

Why are law-abiding citizens avoiding police interactions?

Fair DUI FlyerCriminals have always looked for ways to avoid police, but now law-abiding citizens are finding creative new ways to avoid police interactions. It seems like every day there is a new video on the internet of a citizen refusing to roll down the window at a checkpoint or asking, "Am I being detained?"

Some law enforcement officers see this desire on the part of innocent citizens to avoid police interaction as a problem and are responding with aggression, strong-arm tactics and even violence. A deeper look shows that the desire to avoid police interactions is only a symptom of a deeper problem and these responses only make the root problem worse.

Welfare is not a subsidy to minimum-wage employers.

http://blog.streeteye.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Screen-Shot-2015-04-26-at-Apr-26-2015-1.26.48-PM.png|https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e6/85/a9/e685a970f62b90ac07a113285519fa9c.jpg|https://greenenvscithr.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/corp-wolf-pac-walmart-costs-taxpayers-1557000000-over-1-5-billion.jpg|https://pics.me.me/walmart-walmart-costs-taxpayers-6-2-billion-per-year-in-public-11386176.pngWalmart and McDonalds are in the news every week as examples of greedy corporations that force their employees to collect welfare and food stamps in order to avoid starving to death in their Section 8 homes. This is a convenient conclusion if one wants to raise minimum wage, but it is false at its core.

Taxpayers are justified in blaming somebody for costing them billions in government-provided benefits, but that blame rests squarely on the shoulders of the recipients of those benefits. Corporations that hire low-skilled workers deserve our thanks for helping people become productive members of society.

Why are politicians ignoring our cries to repeal "Shoot First" laws?

Parents of Trayvon Martin believe Stand Your Ground caused the death of their son, want laws repealed.The parents of Trayvon Martin have spoken out against Florida's Stand Your Ground law. Most politicians are ignoring them.

Al Sharpton and Benjamin Crump have called for political leaders to review the Stand Your Ground laws or even repeal them. Stevie Wonder has gone so far as to refuse to play in any State that has a Stand Your Ground law.